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Recent Sold Archive

No. 2604 Chinese Ge-ware phoenix vase - early Guangxu (1875-1900)

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No. 2604 Chinese Ge-ware phoenix vase - early Guangxu (1875-1900)


Unusual large Chinese Ge-ware phoenix vase, decorated with two conjoining phoenix perched on rocks. All enamels appear to be underglaze - first blue then green and brown and with further decoration in ink, forming large peony blooms and rocks. The detailed ink painting and number of underglaze enamels is an unusual technique and would have involved several firings. It dates from the early Guangxu period ( 1875 - 1900).

The phoenix is seen as a symbol of grace and virtue, of new beginning. It is said to bring auspicious chi to your life and home.

Condition: The top rim has been cut down and the base has been drilled for a lamp fitting but is now repaired. Otherwise very good.

Size: height 39 cm

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