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No 2552   Chinese Qingbai celadon glazed bowl

Recent Sold Archive

No 2552 Chinese Qingbai celadon glazed bowl

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No 2552 Chinese Qingbai celadon glazed bowl


Chinese Qingbai celadon glazed flower bowl - a very pale blue-green glazed bowl with moulded decoration of flowers to the well. The base is unglazed and shows faint details of Chinese marks.

Qingbai ware was made with a white porcelain body, fired with a glaze that produced the typical blue-green tint. The kilns used pine wood as fuel, which also helped to produce the glaze tint. Recently part of a UK collection.

Condition: good. Some handling wear. Unglazed rim slightly rough to touch.

Size: 13 cm diameter

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