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Recent Sold Archive

No 2520 Blue and White dragon vase, Zhadou – Guangxu

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No 2520 Blue and White dragon vase, Zhadou – Guangxu


Blue and white 5-claw dragon vase - Zhadou. Extremely rare example of Chinese taste - not made for export. The bulbous body is supported on a short splayed foot and surmounted by a wide flaring neck. Both exterior and the interior flaring neck are decorated with dragons surrounded by twirling vines. A ruyi band encircles the foot rim. Empty double circle on base. Believe to be Kangxi Revival with identical faults of the period eg 4 brown glaze bursts and grit inside vase and well worn foot.

Condition: very good for age.

Size: height 11 cm, diameter 15.5 cm

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