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No 2592 Fujian (Dehua) porcelain vase - 18th Century

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No 2592 Fujian (Dehua) porcelain vase - 18th Century


Rare and interesting Fujian (Dehua) porcelain vase, dating from the 18th or early 19th Century. The milky white body is covered in bubbly glaze. Foot rim and base, typically unglazed, fired to a light straw colour and knife-pared foot rim. The very beautiful famille verte enamels, probably applied elsewhere and a little later, are exceptional.

Condition: very good with no cracks or damage but with some wear to enamels in places, mainly the overglaze red. Other examples of Dehua porcelain with famille verte enamels - British Museum and Percival David collection.

Size: height 35 cm.

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