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No 2630 Chinese porcelain ewer with silver mounts - early 18th Century

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No 2630 Chinese porcelain ewer with silver mounts - early 18th Century


Chinese porcelain ewer dating from early 18th Century - Yongzheng period. Decorated in famille rose enamels - used sparingly since famille rose was still at its early stages. The quality of the painting is very fine, showing a natural looking floral display. The deep base is typical of the period. It would have been fitted with silver mounts - lid, and hasp top and bottom of handle - after arrival in Europe.

Condition: the ewer itself is in good condition but the handle has been damaged in several places. A metal mount, copying the leaf design on the hasp, has been added in the past in order to stabilise the handle.

Size: height 16.5 cm

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