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Miscellaneous Oriental

No. 2548 Pair 19th C Chinese bound-feet silk shoes - lotus shoes

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No. 2548 Pair 19th C Chinese bound-feet silk shoes - lotus shoes


A pair of 19th Century handmade Chinese silk bound-feet shoes - known as lotus shoes. Red is a symbol of good luck and virtue and therefore these shoes would have been worn on special occasions - possibly a wedding. At the time, marriage was related to status and smaller feet were believed to attract a husband. Women wanted their feet to look like small lotus buds and so, during the 19th Century nearly all women bound their feet or risked ridicule by others. The ideal foot size to aim for was just 3 inches! The heel needed to be big and round and the big toe to come to a point.

These shoes are generally in good condition for age but have clearly been worn - minor fraying can be seen. The soles are handstitched and the top is decorated with crab and dragon motifs.

Size: length 15 cm

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