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No 2699  Blanc de chine Guanyin - circa 1700

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No 2699 Blanc de chine Guanyin - circa 1700

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No 2699 Blanc de chine Guanyin - circa 1700


Chinese blanc de chine figure of Guanyin dating to the Kangxi period (1662 - 1722), standing on a rock base with elegant crowned headdress. Produced by hand. The raised dot or urna (third eye) in the centre of the forehead, flowing robes and elongated ear-lobes are all a sign of wisdom. While in India Guanyin is worshipped as a male God, in China the deity gradually evolved into a compassionate female Goddess.

Condition: both hands are missing, perhaps as part of a ceremony. Chips to headdress and edges of robe. Firing cracks, craquelure, some staining.

Size: height 44 cm

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